Chesapeake marsh retention of Nitrogen and Phosphorus -Is it important, is it permanent? Jeffrey Cornwell, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences (UMCES), Horn Point Laboratory.
The RAFT – Resilience Adaptation Feasibility Tool Michelle Covi, Old Dominion University/Virginia Sea Grant (VASG); Elizabeth Andrews, Virginia Coastal Policy Center at William & Mary Law School (VCPC); Tanya Denckla Cobb, University of Virginia Institute for Environmental Negation; Angela King, VCPC; and Grace Walker, Old Dominion University/VASG.
Farming carbon: The link between saltwater intrusion and carbon storage in coastal agricultural fields Elizabeth de la Reguera, University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP); Margaret Palmer, UMCP/Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center; Keryn Gedan, George Washington University; and Kate Tully, UMCP.
Diamondback terrapin nesting habitat and projected sea level rise Holly Funkhouser and Randolph Chambers, William & Mary; Robert Isdell, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS).
Accrual of nutrients in living shorelines in relation to natural fringing tidal marshes Adrianna Gorsky and Randy Chambers, William & Mary; Donna Bilkovic, VIMS.
Assateague Island State Park shoreline resiliency and wetland enhancement project Wesley Gould, Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources; Chris Becraft, Underwood and Associates; and Amanda Poskaitis, Maryland Coastal Bays Program.
The ecological and social contexts of living shorelines Amanda G. Guthrie, Donna M. Bilkovic, Carl Hershner, Robert E. Isdell, VIMS; Sarah Stafford, William & Mary.
The Green Bulkhead: a vertical wetland design for urban harbors Patrick Kangas, Peter May, and John Huntzinger, UMCP.
Short-term elevation change dynamics within tidal forested freshwater wetlands in the lower James River watershed Ron Lopez, Ed Crawford, and Scott Neubauer, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).
Elevation change and tidal marsh resilience at Colonial National Historic Park James C. Lynch, National Park Service Northeast Coastal & Barrier Network ; and Neil T. Winn, National Park Service Assateague Island National Seashore.
Engaging faith-based communities for rural coastal resilience: lessons from collaborative learning on the Eastern Shore Christine D. Miller Hesed, Elizabeth Van Dolah and Michael Paolisso, UMCP Department of Anthropology.
Marsh responses to sea level rise in Virginia Beach Alaurah H. Moss, Dewberry Virginia Beach; Siva Sangameswaran, Dewberry Fairfax; Brian Batten, Dewberry Fairfax; and Sue Kriebel, City of Virginia Beach.
How saltwater intrusion alters tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling and resilience to sea level rise Scott C. Neubauer, VCU.
Modeling tidal marsh evolution in the face of sea-level rise: a cross-scale approach Karinna Nunez, Joseph Zhang, Julie Herman, William Reay, and Carl Hershner, VIMS.
Quantitative assessment of living shoreline effectiveness and impacts to adjacent habitats over the last decade Cindy Palinkas and Lorie Staver, UMCES, Horn Point Laboratory.
Thin-layer sediment placement: evaluating an adaptation strategy to enhance coastal marsh resilience across the NERRS Kenny Raposa and Jennifer West, Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve; Kerstin Wasson, Charlie Endris, Monique Fountain, and Andrea Woolfolk, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Scott Lerberg, VIMS/Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Long-term monitoring of restoration projects; identifying and fixing problems and tracking continuing threats Erin Reilly, UMCES, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory.
An alternative shoreline protection project at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson Phillip Todd, Atlantic Reefmaker; and Devon Eulie, University of North Carolina Wilmington.
Trophic support of grass shrimp in living shoreline marshes is equivalent to natural marshes . Elise Turrietta and Randy Chambers, William & Mary.
Breakwaters impact on sediment supply for salt marsh . Iacopo Vona; Matthew W. Gray, and William Nardin, UMCES, Horn Point Laboratory.
Our changing coastlines: adapting agricultural lands to sea level rise and saltwater intrusion . Dani Weissman and Katherine Tully, UMCP.
Evaluating nature-based approaches to storm wave attenuation . Patricia Wiberg, Matthew Reidenbach, and Amy Ferguson, University of Virginia Department of Environmental Sciences.
Establishing accurate elevations on Assateague Island . Neil T. Winn, National Park Service Assateague Island National Seashore; and James C. Lynch, National Park Service Northeast Coastal & Barrier Network.
Impact of wetland loss on water quality in Chesapeake Bay. Cuiyin Wu, Chesapeake Research Consortium; Richard Tian, UMCES; Lew Linker, Environmental Protection Agency Chesapeake Bay Program Office; and Carl Cerco, Attain LLC.